Rigid Bag Hepa

- Large filter surface
- Less maintenance and energy consumption
- Header depth is 25mm
- Fully incinerable without pollutant emission
- Airflow and installation in any direction possible
- Self-supporting and rigid
- Long service life
- Easy installation
- Low pressure drop
More Info
Filter Class; E10 – E11 -E12 – H13
Media; High quality glass fibre
Frame type; %100 recycled plastic frame (PP)
Faceguard; Without (available on request)
Gasket; Without (available on request)
Final Pressure Drop; 450 Pa
Max. Operating Temperature; 75° C
Application; Prefilter or final for HVAC
Seperator; Hotmelt
Sealing Compound; Two component polyurethane
Rigid Bag Hepa