Rigid Bag Filter

- Large filter surface
- Less maintenance and energy consumption
- Header depth is 25mm
- Fully incinerable without pollutant emission
- Airflow and installation in any direction possible
- Self-supporting and rigid
- Long service life
- Easy installation
- Low pressure drop
More Info
Filter Standard; EN779 and ISO16890
Media; Glass Fibre
Frame type; %100 recycled plastic frame (PP)
Faceguard; Without (available on request)
Gasket; Without (available on request)
Final Pressure Drop; 450 Pa
Max. Operating Temperature; 75° C
Application; Prefilter for HVAC
Seperator; Hotmelt
Sealing Compound; Two component polyurethane
ATRITECH’s Rigid Bag Filters are produced with fully incinerable plastic frame constructed from recycleable materials reduce its impact on the environment and carbon emmission.
ATRITECH’s Rigid Bag Filters offer a high dust holding capacity and long service life with optimum filtration area according to system capactiy.
ATRITECH’s wide range of Ridig Bag Filters answer the demands of our customers to remove air contamination
such as fine dust, smoke, vapour, soot, pollen, bacteria, etc. as prefilters or as final filters in air conditioning applications.