EPA, HEPA and ULPA Filters
Classification Standard EN1822
Efficient air filters (EPA), high efficiency air filters (HEPA) and ultra low penetration air filters (ULPA-filters) which used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning and for technical processes, e.g. for applications in clean room technology or pharmaceutical industry are classified and tested according to the EN 1822:2009 standard.

Classification Standard EN ISO 14644-1
ISO 14644 defines the classification of air cleanliness in cleanrooms and associated controlled environments exclusively in terms of concentration of airborne particles. Only particle populations having cumulative distributions based on threshold (lower limit) particle sizes ranging from 0.1 µm to 5 µm are considered for classification purposes.

Leak and Efficiency Test Systems
ATRITECH HEPA and ULPA filters are tested and certified individually according to European (CEN) and USA standards according to user requirements with the advanced technology. We would recommend the higher grades of prefilters to increase the service life of the HEPA and ULPA filters.